Friday, June 6, 2008


discombobulated....that really IS the way you spell it, hmm. Well I am (finally) triumphantly returning to the land of the internet and email. As an obsessive inbox checker going nearly a week without checking my inbox was enough to make me ache in strange places like my teeth and fingernails.

After a week at my new job and staying with my friend Em, we are finally moving in today! Actually we will check in and sign the lease today and then head back to Salina for the weekend to pack everything up and bring it East to Missouri. Can't wait to post pics of the new apartment, Keenan did a great job finding it. It is about a 5 minute walk from the Plaza and Westport and it's in a really safe and artsy neighborhood, plus it's very close to a grocery store and incidentally close to the church I may check out and attend! In fact I could walk to church.

My new job is so busy. They have me scheduled within an inch of my life. But I think in about a month it will calm down. My office, and this laptop, almost make up for the busy-ness. ;) My office has a wall of windows to the outside, plus a door, plus it has this great maple desk (although it may be cherry oak, or some other tree, my step dad hasn't seen it to confirm what kind of wood it is exactly)...and it's painted light blue. Can't wait to actually use an hour or two to get it the way that I want it.

I don't really feel like I am a drama therapist yet...but that is coming soon, my head is overflowing with ideas that I write down everywhere ( on the back of my hand sometimes, or on napkins and a googleplex of post-it notes).

Keenan had a call-back audition last night at the Coterie, which is at Crown Center. And has some other call-backs coming up too. Since my job is so busy he's been the organizer, setting up utilities and making calls and appointments. (God Bless him) After I get off work I've been driving to see him (KC, MO) then driving back to Em's (KS). At least gas is cheaper in Missouri than in Salina, but still hate driving this much...but that ends today.

Plus my horoscope says that I am going to have a dynamic day today, so I am riding on that as I don't seem to have much energy left.

Happy discoveries about city living....
1. many radio stations
2. thick newspaper
3. there is always a special somewhere, and i love sales.
4. walking, I am in love with walking...

If you haven't heard from me, which you most likely haven't, please know that I'm thinking of you and missing my time I used to spend checking in with you....and I will be back soon, as soon as at least 1/2 of the sea of boxes is unpacked and my apartment resembles some semblance of a home. xoxo.

1 comment:

Mrs Pretzel said...

I so can't wait for the photos!!! Stay safe, and have a BLAST!!