Monday, March 28, 2011

maybe you could leave a light on?

So proud that my favorite little scrapping site is having a raffle for prizes and ALL the $ goes to Autism Speaks. All you have to do is join and buy the 5.45 raffle ticket and then wait to see if you win! You can participate in other crop activities too if you like. This will all be occuring in April which is Autism Awareness month.

I will have some more posts on this during the coming weeks. This cause is personal to me as it touches my everyday life at work and at home. I work to make people with disabilities lives better.

In my family, my brother is on the autism spectrum he lives with Asperger's Syndrome (which even if the big insurance companies pressured the doctors to lump in with Autism in the DSM is still a subset of symptoms in itself).

title courtesy of the Counting Crows: Leave a Light on (Live)

1 comment:

scrappygal said...

Thanks for posting this on your blog. It means a lot to me. My son has Asperger's too. That is what has made me passionate about the cause and why I came to Tally with the idea. I appreciate your passion and support!

I hope that this crop is a huge success!