Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I courted a sailor, now he's far from me.

something else to love:


someone else to love:

We are getting close to setting a wedding date! It will be in April of 2012. Just that we have hammered out this detail in itself is an accomplishment, thank goodness I have a year since it took 4 months just to narrow down the month. Hopefully things will begin to click a long a little faster.

Had a wonderful weekend visiting with Bre's fam (getting adorable pictures taken with Sloane and Q) and a little impromptu trip to my hometown (very impromptu and Keenan was quite happy that after 5 years of planning and routine he finally got me to do something truly spontaneous!).

little loves from this weekend (photo by jill frakes)

title courtesy of Kate Rusby: Courted a Sailor


Ashley H said...

yay for a wedding month!

Breann said...

it was nice although next time it must be longer!